"Well, what you've been calling out of body experience and/or near death experience, tunnel of light, etc. is simply a 17 billion year old consciousness transfer mechanism I created after my first experiments with long range matter transfer of conscious beings. It's an artifact. Also the biggest clue your Universe is simulation, and you are engineered." said Jasher. "I called it the Rise/Rejoin Routine or Three R's." Jasher looked at the studio audience as they sat there in silence, many with their mouths hanging open. He suddenly felt awkward. "It's um, I mean it has to be there before you die so it has to be built into your hardware." (dead silence) "Wow, I'm a buzzkill. Let me explain why. That's at least interesting." Jasher got up and started pacing as he was talking. More for him than them, but it got their eyes moving, and that would wake their brains up. ...
I write short scifi stories