2 “How do you… work?” Asked Frank simply. “I find it’s easiest to work with things I understand.” he finished with a smile. Boaz practically beamed. Explaining how he worked might be his third most favorite thing to do. Frank had been boring through Ceres with a Tplani mining frigate (not the newest, but just so good looking and well made), when the projection (he thought) appeared on his bridge and said, “A little more to the left or you’ll fuck up lining up with the aft entry." But let's rewind a bit With both his Duroxan and Mylox ships pinging on Ceres, and that making no sense, he asked Grik. Grik, currently busy with the latest Aurora contract between Zeta and Earth. He didn't mind the distraction. He enjoyed being mean to Frank. And the second Frank brought up Ceres, Grik was very happy the connection was only audio because he was already smiling. Grik took great care to make sure that smile did not creep into his voice. "Ceres is weird. Lots have seen what y...
I write short scifi stories